Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Community Impact Program has been postponed at this time. We will be updating all medias as soon as we can. Thank you for understanding.
Community Impact Program (C.I.P.)
In addition to executing our organization's mission and vision, The Grounds and Greater Gulf State Fair have been able to impact our community by partnering with other nonprofits through the means of direct monetary giving, complimentary or discounted facility usage, and fundraising assistance. Our organization has partnered with various nonprofits and businesses to give and fundraise over $1,000,000 in the last six years.
In 2020, to ensure the organization's giving is efficient, effective, and most impactful while furthering our mission and vision, The Grounds and Greater Gulf State Fair will be launching the Community Impact Program (C.I.P.). Beginning January 15, 2020, nonprofits seeking support for program funding, donations, and event sponsorship, as well as facility usage discounts at The Grounds, can complete an application found on our websites to qualify for our Organization's funding or complementary facility usage. In order for the application to be approved, the nonprofit's program and/or purpose must align with one or more of our impact areas of Education, Quality of Life Enhancement, and Community Involvement.
Each applicant seeking funding will be reviewed by the organization and decisioned by the deadline of March 15, 2020. Applicants seeking complementary or discounted facility usage will be decisioned on a case by case basis based on the criteria and determining resources dedicated to the Community Impact Program.
Any non-profit or organization whose program and/or purpose is to promote literacy and education.
Quality of Life
Any non-profit or organization whose program and/or purpose is to promote healthy living and activities, and contribute to the betterment of the community and its citizens.
Community Involvement
Any non-profit or organization whose program and/or purpose is to promote the unity of the Greater Gulf State in its entirety.